
Русский: Игры для детей Смешное лицо

childrenРусский: Игры для детей Смешное лицо

How to play: Click the hat, eyes, nose, mouth, or shape in the top red box. Some choices will appear in the bottom red box. Click one of these and it will change on the clown. If you change the mouth you can see him talk with the new mouth. The clown will watch the cursor as you move it.

What is learned:  Children learn shapes and colors. Notice the word order and the feminine and masculine forms of the adjectives.

Getting the most out of the activity: Learn all of the colors. Click each color button and say the words. Then try to say the word before you click the button.
Repeat the sentences that you hear. Make sure you try each item.

Group activities: Point to various shapes and colors, name the shapes and colors. Fill a page with shapes and colors. Ask the children to name them. Let children glue colored shapes to paper. Then they can tell what is on their paper.

    Русский Transliteration  German 
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