
English: Conversations My Life Now

conversationsEnglish: Conversations My Life Now life-now

每个对话框 (对话) 具有不同的主题。




Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    English    MandarinTransliteration
 My Life Now我的第一份工作
 A young woman tells about her first job.一个年轻女人介绍她的第一份工作。
 soundMy name is Deborah Lynn Lewis.sound我叫刘天心
 soundI am a computer programmer,...sound我是电脑程序员。
 soundand I work for a technology company in the center of the city.sound我在市中心的一家科技公司上班。
 soundI graduated from the university three months ago,...sound我三个月前刚刚大学毕业。
 soundand this is my first job.sound这是我的第一份工作。
 soundI like being independent and earning my own money,sound我喜欢独立,自己赚钱。
 soundbut my life is much harder...and monotonous...than before.sound但是我的生活比以前更艰难和单调了。
 soundEvery day I wake up at 6:30 in the morning.sound每天早上六点半醒来。
 soundThen I get up, bathe, and get dressed.sound然后起床,洗澡,穿衣服。
 soundI leave to take a 20 minute walk and then have breakfast.sound我走二十分钟去吃早餐。
 soundI leave my house at 7:45 and arrive at the office at 8:20.sound我七点四十五离开家,八点二十到公司。
 soundI sit in front of my computer and work until noon.sound我坐在电脑前工作到中午。
 soundI leave to have lunch with my fellow workers.sound我和同事一起去吃午饭。
 soundI return shortly, and work until five.sound我很快就回来,然后工作到五点钟。
 soundI get home at quarter to six.sound我在六点差一刻到家。
 soundI prepare dinner and eat.sound我做晚饭吃。
 soundI read a little, chat on the telephone with my boy friend...sound我读一会儿书,同我的男朋友在电脑上聊天,
 soundand watch television until ten.sound然后看电视看到十点钟。
 soundThen I go to bed at ten and I fall asleep immediately.sound最后我在十点钟上床睡觉,我很快就睡着了。
a computersounda computersound电脑
a notebooksounda notebooksound笔记本
a tablesounda tablesound桌子
some plantssoundsome plantssound植物
 blindssound blindssound百叶窗