
English: Conversations An apple

conversationsEnglish: Conversations An apple apple

Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    English    RussianTransliteration
 soundMay I have an apple please.soundМожно мне съесть яблоко?
 soundYes, of course.soundДа, конечно.
 soundThank you.soundСпасибо.
the grandmothersoundthe grandmothersoundбабушка
 soundthe granddaughtersoundвнучка
an applesoundan applesoundяблоко
an ovensoundan ovensoundплита
a cabinetsounda cabinetsoundшкаф
a refrigeratorsounda refrigeratorsoundхолодильник
the floorsoundthe floorsoundпол
the sinksoundthe sinksoundраковина