
English: Conversations An apple

conversationsEnglish: Conversations An apple apple

Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    English    German 
 soundMay I have an apple please.soundDarf ich einen Apfel haben?
 soundYes, of course.soundJa, natürlich.
 soundThank you.soundDanke.
the grandmothersoundthe grandmothersounddie Oma
 soundthe granddaughtersounddie Enkelin
an applesoundan applesoundder Apfel
an ovensoundan ovensoundder Ofen
a cabinetsounda cabinetsoundder Küchenschrank
a refrigeratorsounda refrigeratorsoundder Kühlschrank
the floorsoundthe floorsoundder Boden
the sinksoundthe sinksounddas Spülbecken