
汉语: 科学 青蛙的变态

science汉语: 科学 青蛙的变态

How to play: The video will start playing automatically when it finishes loading

Click nextto play the video again. You can also use the buttons to pause and go back to the beginning.

What is learned: The students learn science vocabulary and concepts.

Getting the most out of the activity: Repeat the words.

    汉语 Transliteration  Dutch 
 sound青蛙的变态 De ontwikkeling van een kikker
 sound他们 一次产下约4千个卵! 
 sound它使用它的腿, 来跳跃。 
 sound青蛙吃昆虫, 小鱼和蠕虫。 
卵块sound卵块 kikkerdrillen
蝌蚪sound蝌蚪 kikkervisje
从蝌蚪变态的年轻青蛙,有腿和尾巴sound从蝌蚪变态的年轻青蛙,有腿和尾巴 klein kikkertje
青蛙sound青蛙 qing wakikker