
български: нареждам по азбучен ред зимна дреха

alphabetizeбългарски: нареждам по азбучен ред зимна дреха clothes-outer

Drag each picture to the lines on the left to arrange them in ABC order (alphabetize.)

How to play: At the start a list of words appears along with a picture of the object. The idea is to drag the words into the correct alphabetical order on the left.

If you try to drag a word to the wrong position, it will go back to where it started and you will see a sad face.

What is learned:  This will help the language learner to learn the alphabet of the target language. Alphabetizing a list of words is a common skill acquired in elementary school. This reinforces that skill while reviewing a list of vocabulary words.

Getting the most out of the activity: Say the words that you see. Say each word as you drag it into place.

Group activities: Give each child a card with a word on it. Let the children arrange themselves into alphabetical order.

    български Transliteration  English 
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