
Việt: Tíc tắc Thú rừng

tic-tac-toeViệt: Tíc tắc Thú rừng animal-forest

How to play:Click on each picture to learn the vocabulary, then select either 1 or 2 people to play.

The ide is to get 3 squares in a row in any direction.

To claim a square, listen to the sound, then select the picture that matches.

What is learned?: This activity makes learning vocabulary fun. A regular tic-tac-toe game usually ends in a tie with older children, but in this version, they have to learn the vocabulary to win.

Getting the most from the game: Click each picture before starting the game. Repeat the word you hear.

Group activity: Select the two person game, and let two groups play against each other.

    Việt    HindiTransliteration
Con nhímsoundCon nhím soundसाही
Con ChồnsoundCon Chồn soundनेवला
Thú rừngsoundThú rừng soundजंगल के जानवर​
Con sóc chuộtsoundCon sóc chuột soundगिलहरी
Con thỏ.soundCon thỏ. soundखरगोश
Con GấusoundCon Gấu soundभालू
Con NaisoundCon Nai soundहिरन
Con ếchsoundCon ếch soundलोमड़ी
Con chó sóisoundCon chó sói soundभेड़िया
Con rái cásoundCon rái cá soundऊदबिलाव
Con sócsoundCon sóc soundगिलहरी
Con chồn hôisoundCon chồn hôi soundमेही
Con hải lysoundCon hải ly soundऊदबिलाव