
Русский: Диалоги Здраствуйте, До свидания!

conversationsРусский: Диалоги Здраствуйте, До свидания! hello-goodbye

How to play: Click the blue button to hear the girl say hello. Click again to say goodbye.

What is learned:  Children learn to say hello and goodbye.

Getting the most out of the activity: Click the button a few times. Repeat the words you hear.

Group activities: Say hello or goodbye to each child. Ask them to say the same thing back.

Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    Русский Transliteration
 Здраствуйте, До свидания! 
 Девочка говорит Здравствуйте и До свидания 
 soundДо свидания.