
Русский: Игры для детей Посчитай утят

childrenРусский: Игры для детей Посчитай утят

How to play: Click the big green arrow to show the ducks one at a time. (There are 10 ducks.) Click the small green button to start over.

What is learned:  The child will learn to count to 10. When preschool children first learn to count, they may not realize that the numbers represent a quantity. This activity helps them to understand that numbers represent a quantity.

Getting the most out of the activity: Count along with the computer. Wait until the arrow is clicked to say the next number instead of just saying all of the numbers.

Group activities: Count various objects in the room. How many windows? How many doors? How many pencils? Point to each item as you say the numbers. Hold up a few crayons or other objects and have the children tell you how many they see.

    Русский Transliteration  German 
одинsoundодин odinsoundeins
дваsoundдва dvasoundzwei
триsoundтри trisounddrei
четыреsoundчетыре chetyresoundvier
пятьsoundпять piat'soundfünf
шестьsoundшесть shest'soundsechs
семьsoundсемь sem'soundsieben
восемьsoundвосемь vosem'soundacht
девятьsoundдевять deviat'soundneun
десятьsoundдесять desiat'soundzehn
одиннадцатьsoundодиннадцать odinnadtsat'soundelf
двенадцатьsoundдвенадцать dvenadtsat'soundzwölf