
汉语: 歌曲 两只老虎

songs汉语: 歌曲 两只老虎

汉语   Transliteration   English
两只老虎, 两只老虎 , 跑得快 , 跑得快 ,liang zhi lao hu , liang zhi lao hu , pao de kuai , pao de kuai Two tigers, two tigers, run fast, run fast
一只没有眼睛 , 一只没有尾巴,yi zhi mei you yan jing, yi zhi mei you wei ba,One has no eyes, the other one has no tail
真奇怪, 真奇怪 zhen qi guai, zhen qi guai ,How strange, how strange!
两只老虎, 两只老虎, 跑得快 , 跑得快,liang zhi lao hu, liang zhi lao hu, pao de kua, pao de kuai Two tigers, two tigers, run fast, run fast
一只没有眼睛, 一只没有尾巴,yi zhi mei you yan jing, yi zhi mei you wei ba,One has no eyes, the other one has no tail
真奇怪 , 真奇怪zhen qi guai, zhen qi guaiHow strange, how strange!










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    汉语 Transliteration  Spanish