
Français: ordre alphabétique le paysage

alphabetizeFrançais: ordre alphabétique le paysage scenery

Drag each picture to the lines on the left to arrange them in ABC order (alphabetize.)

How to play: At the start a list of words appears along with a picture of the object. The idea is to drag the words into the correct alphabetical order on the left.

If you try to drag a word to the wrong position, it will go back to where it started and you will see a sad face.

What is learned:  This will help the language learner to learn the alphabet of the target language. Alphabetizing a list of words is a common skill acquired in elementary school. This reinforces that skill while reviewing a list of vocabulary words.

Getting the most out of the activity: Say the words that you see. Say each word as you drag it into place.

Group activities: Give each child a card with a word on it. Let the children arrange themselves into alphabetical order.

    Français    MandarinTransliteration
volcansoundvolcan sound火山
cascadesoundcascade sound瀑布
lacsoundlac sound
ombresoundombre sound影子
ruisseausoundruisseau sound小溪
étangsoundétang sound池塘
maraissoundmarais sound沼泽
coinsoundcoin sound街角
junglesoundjungle sound热带丛林
trottoirsoundtrottoir sound人行道
sablesoundsable sound
mersoundmer sound海洋
portsoundport sound海港
rocherssoundrochers sound石头
montagnesoundmontagne sound
tunnelsoundtunnel sound隧道
rivièresoundrivière sound河流
routesoundroute sound道路
croisementsoundcroisement sound交叉路口
rochers rondssoundrochers ronds sound巨石
forêtsoundforêt sound森林
parkingsoundparking sound停车场
feusoundfeu sound
mursoundmur sound
jardinsoundjardin sound院子
refugesoundrefuge sound小屋
grottesoundgrotte sound山洞
rivagesoundrivage sound
plumesoundplume sound羽毛
cagesoundcage sound笼子
cabanesoundcabane sound棚屋
collinesoundcolline sound小山
feu de signalisationsoundfeu de signalisation sound红绿灯
arbresoundarbre sound
puitssoundpuits sound水井
dinosauresounddinosaure sound恐龙
branchesoundbranche sound树枝
nidsoundnid sound鸟巢