
فارسی: : نام ها ، ضمیر ها پُل دوستانش را به یک مهمانی دعوت میکند

nounsفارسی: : نام ها ، ضمیر ها پُل دوستانش را به یک مهمانی دعوت میکند

Paul invites his friends to a party.Paul invites his friends to a party.

Learn the words for me, him, her, them, etc.

soundPaul invites her to a party. Paul invites /*her*/ to a party.      

soundPaul invites him to a party. Paul invites /*him*/ to a party.      

soundPaul invites me to a party. Paul invites /*me*/ to a party.      

soundPaul invites them to a party. Paul invites /*them*/ to a party.      Paul invites /*them*/ to a party.      Paul invites /*them*/ to a party.      

soundPaul invites us to a party. Paul invites /*us*/ to a party.      Paul invites /*us*/ to a party.      

soundPaul invites you to a party. Paul invites /*you*/ to a party.      Paul invites /*you*/ to a party.      Paul invites /*you*/ to a party.      Paul invites /*you*/ to a party.      Paul invites /*you*/ to a party.      Paul invites /*you*/ to a party.      Paul invites /*you*/ to a party.      

How to play: Click the green buttonnext to see the next picture, click the red buttonrestart to go back to the beginning. Each picture shows a form of the possessive. You can also select a sentence from the drop down list. Click the question markquiz to take the quiz.

What is learned:  The student will learn the words for indirect objects: me, them, us, etc..

Getting the most out of the activity: Look at each picture. Make sure that you repeat the words and phrases that you hear. When you have learned all of the words, click the question mark to take the quiz. Repeat until you get all of the questions right.

Group activities:Point at each student and say their name, the other students should answer with the word for "him" or "her." When the students can do this name two students.

Leer naamwoorden, voornaamwoorden en andere woorden gebruiken om te praten over mensen.

Hoe werkt het: klik op de groene knop next om de volgende afbeelding te zien. Op elke afbeelding zie je een persoon, je hoort hoe de man deze personen benoemt.

Wat leer je: de student leert de woorden voor naamwoorden, voornaamwoorden, etc.

Haal zoveel mogelijk uit de activiteit: kijk naar elke afbeelding. Herhaal zeker de woorden en zinnen die je hoort. Wanneer je alle woorden hebt geleerd, klik je op het vraagteken om de quiz te starten. Herhaal tot je alle vragen goed kan beantwoorden.

Groepsactiviteiten:  zoek afbeeldingen van personen in tijdschriften. Vraag de leerlingen om de juiste naamwoorden, voornaamwoorden, enz. te gebruiken.

    English Transliteration  Dutch 
 soundPaul invites me to a party. 
 soundPaul invites you to a party. 
 soundPaul invites you to a party. 
 soundPaul invites you to a party. 
 soundPaul invites him to a party. 
 soundPaul invites her to a party. 
 soundPaul invites us to a party. 
 soundPaul invites us to a party. 
 soundPaul invites you to a party. 
 soundPaul invites you to a party. 
 soundPaul invites you to a party. 
 soundPaul invites you to a party. 
 soundPaul invites them to a party. 
 soundPaul invites them to a party.