
English: Logic Puzzles Horses in Barns

logicEnglish: Logic Puzzles Horses in Barns horse

    English    Indonesian 
 soundHorses in Barns 
 soundWhich horse lives in each barn? 
a black horsesounda black horse 
a spotted horsesounda spotted horse 
a white horsesounda white horse 
 soundThe black horse lives in the red barn. 
 soundThe white horse is eating an apple. 
 soundThe horse in the blue barn is eating a carrot. 
The black horse lives in the red barn. He is eating grass.soundThe black horse lives in the red barn. He is eating grass. 
The spotted horse lives in the blue barn. He is eating a carrot.soundThe spotted horse lives in the blue barn. He is eating a carrot. 
 soundThe white horse lives in the green barn. He is eating an apple. 
applesoundapple soundapel
grasssoundgrass soundrumput
carrotsoundcarrot soundwortel