, English: Main concepts The Bird and<br>the Basket


English: Main concepts The Bird and
the Basket

learnEnglish: Main concepts The Bird and
the Basket

    English    Indonesian 
 The Bird and the Basket 
 A bird and a basket illustrate prepositions: above, inside, on top of, under, next to, etc. 
a birdsounda bird 
a basketsounda basket 
The bird is <strong>above</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is above the basket. 
The bird is <strong>in</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is in the basket. 
The bird is <strong>inside</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is inside the basket. 
The bird is <strong>on top of</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is on top of the basket. 
The bird is <strong>below</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is below the basket. 
The bird is <strong>behind</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is behind the basket. 
The bird is <strong>in front of</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is in front of the basket. 
The bird is <strong>next to</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is next to the basket. 
parrotsoundparrot soundburung beo
turkeysoundturkey soundkalkun
pigeonsoundpigeon soundburung dara
roostersoundrooster soundayam jantan
eaglesoundeagle soundburung elang
owlsoundowl soundburung hantu
swallowsoundswallow soundburung walet
ducksoundduck soundbebek
cranesoundcrane soundburung bango
storksoundstork soundbangau
goosesoundgoose soundangsa