, English: Main concepts The Bird and<br>the Basket


English: Main concepts The Bird and
the Basket

learnEnglish: Main concepts The Bird and
the Basket

    English    Latvian 
 The Bird and the Basket soundPutns un grozs.
 A bird and a basket illustrate prepositions: above, inside, on top of, under, next to, etc. 
a birdsounda bird soundPutns
a basketsounda basket soundgrozs
The bird is <strong>above</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is above the basket. soundPutns ir virs groza.
The bird is <strong>in</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is in the basket. soundPutns ir grozā.
The bird is <strong>inside</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is inside the basket. soundPutns ir grozā.
The bird is <strong>on top of</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is on top of the basket. soundPutns ir uz groza.
The bird is <strong>below</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is below the basket. soundPutns ir zem groza.
The bird is <strong>behind</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is behind the basket. soundPutns ir aiz groza.
The bird is <strong>in front of</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is in front of the basket. soundPutns ir grozam priekšā.
The bird is <strong>next to</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is next to the basket. soundPutns ir līdzās grozam.
ostrichsoundostrich soundstrauss
sparrowsoundsparrow soundzvirbulis
vulturesoundvulture soundmaitu lija
crowsoundcrow soundvārna
parrotsoundparrot soundpapagailis
turkeysoundturkey soundtītars
pigeonsoundpigeon soundbalodis
roostersoundrooster soundgailis
eaglesoundeagle soundērglis
owlsoundowl soundpūce
swallowsoundswallow soundbezdelīga
ducksoundduck soundpīle
cranesoundcrane sounddzērve
storksoundstork soundstārķis
goosesoundgoose soundzoss
swansoundswan soundgulbis
pelicansoundpelican soundpelicāns
chicksoundchick soundputnēns