
English: Conversations Let's Talk Later

conversationsEnglish: Conversations Let's Talk Later talk-later

Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    English    German 
 Let's Talk Later Lass uns später reden
 The twins talk on the phone. Zwei Frauen telefonieren
 soundHi, Diane, how are you? soundHi, Heidi, wie geht es dir?
 soundHi, I'm fine. soundEs geht mir gut.
 soundAre you on your lunch break? soundHast du Mittagspause?
 soundYes, do you have time to talk? soundJa, hast du Zeit zum Reden?
 soundI am a little busy. soundIch habe etwas zu tun.
 soundLet's talk later. soundLass uns später reden
 soundSure. Bye. soundNatürlich, tschüs.
 soundBye. soundTschüs.