
English: Conversations A New Teacher

conversationsEnglish: Conversations A New Teacher new-teacher

Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    English    Latvian 
 A New Teacher 
 A new teacher introduces herself to another teacher. 
 soundGood afternoon, my name is Jane Thomas. 
 soundI am the new Spanish teacher. 
 soundGood afternoon, my name is Martha Hodges. 
 soundIt is a pleasure to meet you. 
 soundWhat subject do you teach? 
 soundI teach literature. 
 soundWelcome to the school. 
 soundI hope you will like working here. 
computersoundcomputer soundkompjūters
briefcasesoundbriefcase portfelis
chalk boardsoundchalk board tāfele
womansoundwoman sieviete
chairsoundchair soundkrēsls